Travel, Adventure and Photography

Saturday, August 29, 2009

TrAPC New Look... we are more serious about TrAPC.

As a first step, i am giving a new look to TrAPC. You can subscribe to each post of the TrAPC, will be directly delivered to your email ID. You can read the blog in your favorite feed reader of your choice.

Recent traps (i don't call it as a 'trip'....its trap !!) are added at the top of the blog for easy navigation. Just click on it, respective trap will open in the same page.

TrAPC has become more interactive. Comment forms are easily accessible. One can directly email to the author of the trap post. You can share, you can bookmark, you can digg and what not????

Search form searches for the TrAP spot within TrAPC as well as member blogs. For example, just type "Kumara Hill" and check the result !!

Hope TrAPC looks beautiful with the header collage.

All TrAPC related activities, future plans, rules and regulations, events, membership requirements, member information will be published in this TrAPC blog.

I prefer to start everything by making of a T-shirt with TrAPC name etched on it !!!!!

So watch out this space !

Leave your feedback in the comment form..........
